


Please consider becoming a PATH member.  The Price Are Trail Hub, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.  Primary funding includes member fees, donations and fund raising events. 

  • Save $5 off PATH events (including the Phillips Flurry)
  • One vote per member at our annual meeting.
  • Email notices and updates (We never share your email address)

Annual memberships cost $35 for a single person or $60 for a family.  There is a 10 member limit on family membership and all family members must reside at the same address.  Family members over 18 have voting rights.  The membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st.  To purchase your membership on-line, use the link below.  You can also pay for your membership with a printed form and mailed check.  (Click here for form)

annual membership

Individual: $35.00/Family: $60.00

Become a Member




trail maintenance

Ski trail grooming video


snowshoe/fat bike grooming


Trail mowing

If you would like to help with trails, Become a Member or Contact PATH to volunteer.


A major portion of PATH’s funding comes through donations.  Your tax deductible donations are greatly appreciated.

‍To donate an amount of your choice on-line,  use the link below or mail a form with your donation check.  (Click here for form)

If you would like to become a business donor, please email us at: and one of our members will contact you.

donate to path

Donate Today